Adequate sleep is a proven remedy to many daily ailments that may bog you down throughout the day. Caffeine is often used as a band-aid to counteract the effects of lost sleep, but it’s masking an issue that won’t get better with extra shots of espresso. Of the 100 million Americans that suffer from occasional sleep problems, one third of them have chronic insomnia according to “No More Sleepless Nights” by Peter Hauri, Ph.D., former Director, Mayo Clinic Insomnia Program, and Shirley Linde, PH.D., bestselling medical author.
There is a slight misconception that insomnia just means the inability to sleep at all. In reality, insomnia is diagnosed for those who have difficulty falling asleep or those who are able to sleep but are woken up in the middle of the night and are unable to fall back asleep. The reasons range from anxiety, the bedroom environment, or other factors, but the result is the same: chronic sleep deprivation decreases your mental capacity for activities necessary for a positive and productive life. Sleep deprivation may negatively affect your weight, heart, blood pressure, mood, and immune system according to “The Sleep Solution” by W. Chris Winter, MD. To increase your chance of a better night’s sleep, be sure to address the three most foundational needs for a good night’s rest. These following points will address the bedroom environment as a contributor to sleep deprivation.
The body sleeps best when it is cool since reduction in body temperature occurs in the evening. 65° F is the optimal temperature to fall asleep, and to stay asleep. When the bedroom is too cold or too hot, you may be woken up by your body’s desire to either cool down or warm up. Use a thermostat, if you have one, to ensure 65° F is maintained.
Melatonin is the body’s natural chemical that’s secreted when the sun goes down to trigger sleep. Of course, this gets tricky as the average American’s habit is to use their electronic devices way past sundown. This tricks the body and stops it from creating melatonin. Make it a habit to turn off screens at least an hour before bed and your body will thank you by helping you fall asleep easier.
You may think that the ears don’t hear when you’re sleeping. However, your brain is still listening to your environment as you sleep. Sometimes you can’t control the sounds that happen outside your bedroom door, but you can control what happens inside your bedroom. Sleep with earplugs, or a soft, sleep inducing, ambient sound that can help override noises to help you with this issue. Roll up a towel and place it at the base of your door to block out sounds as well.
In earlier days, when there were no cars or advanced technologies, the foundation of good sleep was naturally provided, which made sleep easier for early humans. As the sun went down, the temperature decreased, and as night fells the remaining sounds were insects chirping and animals sleeping. This is why temperature, lighting, and sound are so important for a good night’s rest.
I have insomnia, it affects my ability to concentrate, energy levels, all around lack of my normal coping skills. Melatonin helps me greatly. Thank you.
3/13/19′ Leza Seagraves
All the advice is very good. I follow all the suggestions and don’t have a problem sleeping. I also have a good diet with exercise.
Not eating after 6pm. And Meditation works for me..
Best in the world
I live by a railroad track and I was having a hard time getting any rest but I found if I put a soothing sound like rain falling or crickets chirping I sleep better and rest better too
I found this article quite informative, thank you.
Breathe in and out and youll feel sleepy
You sleep well when you have no lights on or TV’s
Good information.
I have dogs that are in at night and they get excited about everything that goes on outside and scared by storms. I found a channel on satellite that has relaxation sounds/music for them and to my surprise, it works for me too. I have used meditation/hypnosis music for forty years during times I have trouble sleeping and it’s great!
I have used hypnosis/relaxation music for years and recently discovered dogtv for my dogs. It works for all of us.
I agree about the noise and lighting I have always had trouble sleeping. I’d be up cleaning in middle of night.we moved to the country. First time I’ve ever slept all night.
Very informative.
My problem ia always anxiety
I use a pillow between my legs
This article was extremely helpful. After reading this I am sure my sleep patterns will improve.
Very good advice
Very insightful information
I never wake up refreshed
I have ringing in my ears. I use the ringing to pull me to sleep. Otherwise the ringing is a pain!
I could not sleep at all for two days in a row. It drove me insane. The doctor diagnosed sleep apnea. I cannot sleep with cpap at all. It made trying to sleep worse. I ordered a pill I found with research online and mix it with melatonin. Not perfect but it helps.
Anxiety and depression are my downfalls. I have found sleeping with my dog helps
Thank u for ur info
I’ve tried to stick to the plan but it didn’t work
I have my cat, Ebenezer always helps me to fall to sleep. He never has trouble falling asleep and so neither do I.
I used the sleep lavender and vanilla by bath and body works. Help relax you to go to sleep.