Reading the ingredients that make up store bought dog food can cause concerns. Subpar ingredients and filler products aren’t ideal for nourishing your pup. If you’re interested in feeding your dog a diet full of whole foods and quality ingredients, here are a few recipes you can use to make your own dog food at home.

Turkey/Veggie Mix

This recipe is made up of a handful of delicious ingredients you would happily eat yourself. Ground turkey, spinach, peas, zucchini, carrots, brown rice and olive oil are the only items you’ll need! First things first you have to cook the rice. Second, brown the ground turkey in a separate pot. Once that’s done, start adding in the veggies and rice to create one large mixture. You can find more detailed instructions here.

Chicken/Beans Mix

You’ll be hard pressed to find a recipe easier than this one. All you need to do is add ground chicken, kidney beans, carrots, green beans, butternut squash, peas and uncooked rice with water into your crockpot. Look for low or no added sodium when purchasing your canned veggies and beans. Place everything in your crockpot and cook on low for 6 hours. To read the recipe in its entirety, click here.

Fish/Pumpkin Mix

Fish is an important part of your dog’s diet. It shouldn’t be the only meat your pup eats, but you should definitely have it in the rotation. This particular recipe includes two different kinds of fish- cod and salmon. This ensures your dog is getting the benefits each individual fish has to offer. It includes other nutritious ingredients such as pumpkin puree, spinach, tomatoes and brown rice as well. When preparing fish for dogs, remember that it must be prepared over dry heat. Once you’ve cooked your fish, it’s time to move on to the rice. After that’s done, add in your veggies. Remember to remove the seeds from your tomatoes before adding them into the final product! You can find this recipe here.

Beef/Egg Mix

Brown rice, ground beef, hard boiled eggs, carrots, parsley and olive oil are the only ingredients you need to whip up this recipe. All you have to do is take your ingredients and combine them. Stir everything to ensure that it’s completely mixed together. Store it in the fridge and take portions from it as needed! You can find the entire recipe and instructions here.

Veggie/Chicken Mix

Sweet potatoes, chicken, brown rice and frozen veggies are the ingredients you’ll need to create this homemade dog food. This recipe is simple but you have to layer each ingredient in your crockpot according to the instructions. Once you’ve completed that, cook everything on low for 8 hours. You’ll find the recipe (and more) by clicking here.

When your pet becomes a beloved member of your family, you want to make sure you’re nourishing them as best you can. Help your dog stay happy, healthy and fit by feeding them quality, homemade dog food.

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