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Becoming self-sustainable is a valuable skill set that will serve you well in the coming months. As inflation rises and the economy becomes more unstable, here are some skills you should work to develop. 

Homestead Where You Are

The best thing about creating a homestead is that you customize it based on where you live. An article written for by Jennifer Poindexter states, “It is possible to create some type of homestead right where you are. If you are in an apartment and have a balcony, you can grow something. If you live in the suburbs, there are ways to grow some of your own food. Plus, if you live on a larger amount of acreage, you could grow everything and raise larger livestock as well. So no matter where you are at, you can always take strides to start your own version of a homestead.”

Live Simply

Self- sustainability requires you to step away from the modern world a bit and simplify your lifestyle. Spend your free time working on your garden, canning food, caring for animals and doing anything else you can think of to help keep yourself as self-sustainable as possible. Learn to do new things. You never know when these skills will come in handy! 

Eat According to Season

Shopping for produce out of season can be extremely expensive. If you’re looking for ways to save money while also becoming more self-sustainable, do some research on which items can be grown during each season. This will help you determine what you want to grow yourself throughout each part of the year. When you’ve made these decisions and know what will be available to you, it’s easy for you to plan ahead and create a meal plan. 

Embrace a Frugal Lifestyle

Frugality is a beautiful thing. It’s also an important part of being self-sustainable. It means you try your best to work with what you have instead of spending money unnecessarily. It also means you pinch pennies and save more. It means you can rely on yourself and your financial reserves in the event of an emergency. Lastly, it means you will be able to take care of your family should disaster strike. These are all important reasons to adopt a more frugal lifestyle. Being smart with your money is nothing to be ashamed about! 

Strive to be Debt Free

Financial self-sustainability is an incredibly important aspect of life that is often overlooked. Being self-sustainable is all about relying on yourself and your personal resources more often than utilizing external resources. For example, living within your means instead of utilizing numerous credit cards. You can’t really be self-sufficient when you owe money to a bunch of different creditors. 

Becoming more self-sustainable is something everyone can accomplish. Work hard now so that you can feel confident and comfortable living off the fruits of your labor. The sense of pride and accomplishment you’ll feel through self-sustainability is worth the effort!