Online surveys are all questionnaires searching for information. There are some differences depending on what the author of the survey is looking to learn. All businesses are looking to improve. Survey are a way to get good feedback to incorporate into their model moving forward. To get the most out of your survey, choose the correct type. Every company will need a different version depending on the service they provide. Take a look at four survey types.
NPS Surveys
NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. What is the likelihood of your current customers telling their friends about the business? This survey will tell which of your customers are passive, detractors, or promoters. The goal is to see how you can change them all to promoters. If they are passive, how can your marketing change them into promotors? Detractors need the most work. They need to move into the passive positions before being won over and becoming promotors. These surveys should be sent out during regular times in your business. Sending this survey when you are running deals or launching new products could skew the results.
Customer Satisfaction
How did the customers enjoy the service or product? The point of a customer satisfaction survey is to find out how your customers feel about the company. When using this type of survey, timing is critical. It needs to be given immediately after the service is completed or purchased. The experience needs to be fresh in their mind in order to get an accurate response. Waiting too long after the interaction could end up in a response that is vague and unhelpful. The goal is to gain information to help increase your customer service so they will continue to return.

Employee Survey
Employee surveys will be issued from the human resource department at your office. They are looking to learn about the work environment and any issues that need to be addressed. It is not always easy for people to go to human resources with their concerns. Sending out Employee surveys gives them a platform and safe way to express their feelings. The ideal time to send these out would be before and after a change in the company. Doing it this way, you will be able to see if the action was good or bad for the employees.
Marketing/Products Surveys
A product survey is sent out to see if you are hitting the mark with your products. These surveys are asking precisely how an item can be improved. A marketing survey will help you know if you are reaching your target audience and how you can increase the audience. The timing of sending out this type of survey is a little different than the others. Gathering this type of information would be beneficial before a big launch. This way, you can cater it to the groups you want to reach.
Use the correct survey, and your business will continue to grow.