There are a few things we can thank the coronavirus for. Increased time with family, a shift in priorities, more time spent at home, and having life slow down are a just a few. There was one other incredible thing to come out of the pandemic and that was the drastic increase in pet adoptions from animal shelters.

The Beginning

The beginning of the pandemic held a lot of uncertainty. In search of comfort, many sought out the companionship that only a pet can provide. An article written by Kim Kavin for states, “What began in mid-March as a sudden surge in demand had, as of mid-July, become a bona fide sales boom. Shelters, nonprofit rescues, private breeders, pet stores — all reported more consumer demand than there were dogs and puppies to fill it. Some rescues were reporting dozens of applications for individual dogs. Some breeders were reporting waiting lists well into 2021.” This was great news for shelters in particular. People were so afraid that shelters would have to close, the vast majority of animals were either fostered or adopted in record time.

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Exactly how many more pet adoptions happened in 2020 compared to previous years? While there isn’t a number that accounts for every single rescue organization out there, there are estimates. According to an article written by Dana Hedgpeth for, “Shelter Animals Count, which runs a database that tracks shelter and rescue activity, looked at pet adoptions during the pandemic. The group, which tracks about 500 rescue organizations across the country, recorded 26,000 more pet adoptions in 2020 than in the year before — a rise of about 15 percent.”

Filling a Void

Animals hold a special place in the hearts of their owners. This is a huge reason many people were on a mission to adopt another animal. They were searching to fill a void caused by all the uncertainty. There were some who decided to purchase an animal because they were in need of a distraction. Additionally, parents chose to purchase animals to help give their kids something to care for and love. These are just a few reasons why there was such an intense surge of people looking to adopt animals in the last year.

Good Timing

For many, the timing was perfect. People have spent more time in their homes in the last year than ever before. Adults have been working from home and children have been distance learning. It has been the ideal time to bond, train, play, snuggle and love a new animal. The timing makes sense for many because most travel plans continue to be put on hold. This means there is no need to worry about boarding or making other accommodations for your pets. While there has been so much craziness and uncertainly within the last year, there is no denying the immense good the pandemic has done for the animals who were sitting in shelters awaiting a loving home.

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