If you prefer a night in rather than a night on the town, you’re probably among the many who enjoy a classic night filled with relaxing and Netflix. It’s easy to switch on the television and binge watch the new season of Queer Eye or Stranger Things with your significant other, but it never hurts to mix things up a bit and interact with each other in different ways too. A date night doesn’t have to be a fancy dinner and a movie; instead, it can be a fun night in beyond the television.
Board Games
Board games are not just for kids. There are plenty of two-player boards games like Otrio, Codenames Duet, or a classic game of chess. Playing a board game can be a fun way to encourage friendly competition or collaboration. Each of you will be challenged to think about strategy, while still enjoying each other’s company.

Puzzles are an activity that people of all ages can enjoy. While it may seem daunting to see 1000 separate pieces, it can be a great way to work with your partner to put all the pieces together. The sense of accomplishment you feel will be far greater than finishing an entire season of Riverdale. There are also many variations of puzzles now, even a 3D Eiffel Tower!
When was the last time you opened a cookbook? It can be easy to fall into the routine of your go to meals or favorite takeout places but cooking a new meal or dessert can be a wonderful way to spend an evening. If you don’t have any cookbooks at home, the library has a vast variety that you can borrow for free! I highly recommend A Common Table. There’s also a delicious Asian pear and jasmine crumbles recipe online! If you’re feeling ambitious you could make a fancy multiple course dinner with each other. Researching and putting together a menu can be a fun part of the experience too!
One of the best ways to bond with your significant other is to build something. It doesn’t have to be something daunting like Ikea furniture. Instead, working on a craft together can be something fun and easy like making candles or greeting cards. Neither of you need to be artistic to do a craft; in fact, it may bring out more of your creativity! There’s even a subscription box for crafting if that’s up you’re alley: https://www.adultsandcrafts.com.
Spa Night
While watching television is relaxing, a spa night will put that to shame. A spa night at home can be fairly inexpensive too. Your spa night could include facials, clay masks, eye gel patches, bubble bath, foot soak, and massage!
Read a Book
It can be incredibly relaxing and comforting to sit next to your partner and read your books. Reading doesn’t always have to be a solitary activity either. You can dig up your favorite children’s books and reminisce together and exchange memories.

Pick some tunes, crank up the speakers, and just dance together. It’s as simple as that.