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Deciding to get a furry friend is very exciting! The most common house pets are of course cats and dogs, but there are more options out there that could fit your lifestyle a little better. In some instances, cats and dogs are exactly what your household need to fill that missing space; but sometimes they can add more stress because they can be a bit more work than you are ready for. Here is your guide to choosing the right pet for you and your lifestyle.

On The Go

If you have a demanding job or work odd hours, getting a more independent animal like a cat might be the way to go. Cats have the same amount of, if not more, personality than a dog but are a little less work. If you aren’t home at regular times each day or your schedule bounces around having a cat is great. You don’t have to worry about getting home to let them out because they will have a litter box. You can also leave dry food out for them to snack on whenever they like instead of having a set feeding time. And when you get home from a busy day they are fun to interact with and take your mind off the stress of the day.

Home Bodies

walk dog

If you have a work from home job or you and your partner have opposite schedules, getting a dog may be a great option for you. Most dog breeds love people and don’t like being alone for long periods of time so if you and the members of your household are home often a dog would be a great fit. Dogs are great companions and love to do activities with you like go to the park, go out on runs, or just follow you around the house to keep you company. They can also be a good alarm system and protector for the house.

Small Children

No matter how many times you warn a child to be gentle around animals, you can’t keep an eye on them all hours of the day. Eventually someone will get nipped or scratched. Getting a smaller pet like a rabbit or a hamster would be a great alterative because they are perfectly content being in their cage and not handled so often. Kids can sit in front of them for hours and be entertained. It also teaches your older kids responsibility by giving them a weekly chore of cleaning the cage. Not only are hamsters and rabbits a more low maintenance option but they are also a good alterative if someone in your family has allergies to animals, as they don’t have a ton of loose hair or have free reign of the house.

Jet Setters

Are you constantly out of town but still want a fun pet to keep you company when your home? Getting a fish is probably your best option as it is the easiest thing for your house sitter to keep alive. They are so pretty to look at and easy to take care of. Even when you are home, you won’t have to worry too much about them.

Choosing the right pet can be difficult. Evaluating your lifestyle and how much responsibility you are willing to commit to is a great way to narrow down what type of pet is right for you.

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