Gen Z has spoken and the internet is ablaze. Social media sites like Instagram and TikTok have been overflowing with Gen Z and Millennials going back and forth about whether some of things Millennials enjoy may be out of style. If you’re interest to know some of the things that make you seem outdated to younger folks, here are a couple prominent ones.
Side Parts
Don’t freak out, but your side part might be uncool. Gen Z is adamant that a part down the middle of your scalp is now the coolest way to wear your hair. While we have numerous style icons that put side parts on the right side of history (think Marilyn Monroe), it’s still a bit jarring to know that Gen Z holds them with such contempt. Understandably, this is Gen Z’s way of disassociating with the style of their parents. Every generation does that at some point. It’s always considered radical and slightly shocking at first. For example, think about the 60s and 70s and how drastically style changed compared to what people were wearing in the 50s. Diverging from your parent’s style to develop your own is a natural cycle of life.
The ‘crying-laughing’ Emoji
Is the crying-laughing’ emoji your favorite one? It’s a dead giveaway that you’re a millennial. When Gen Z noticed their parents and older relatives overusing this particular emoji, they decided they wanted no part of it. While it’s currently one of the most used, the younger generation recommends using the skull emoji to convey the phrase ‘I’m dead’ when something is funny. The laughing cat emoji is also acceptable.

Skinny Jeans
Say goodbye to your skinny jeans. Apparently, they’re not so stylish anymore. An article written by Julia Webb for states, “According to the generation born after 1997, it’s now all about the looser fitting denim styles. Essentially that includes cuts like straight legs, wide legs, boot cuts, mom jeans and boyfriend jeans. Thankfully, high-rise styles are still in fashion, and low-rise jeans aren’t making a comeback — yet. Ripped jeans are also OK by Gen Z’s standards, but you’ll want to stay away from the pairs that have rips hem to hem. Instead, opt for a more updated look with fewer tears and less fraying.” Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean your jeans need to be baggy and unflattering. You can still find jeans that hug your curves but aren’t skin tight all the way down your leg. Also, according to Gen Z, they should hit right around your ankles. Jeans can be tricky but this emerging shift in style is one that Millennials should be able to easily embrace. Who wouldn’t want a little extra room in their denim? With age comes wisdom. Part of being a millennial is coming to terms with the fact that it’s okay to fall behind on some trends. It’s up to you to decide what new trends you’re willing to adopt.