The holiday season is the time to celebrate with family and friends. No matter what holiday you celebrate, there are things that you need to be aware of so that everyone in the family has a safe season, including our family pets. The last thing you want to spend your time doing is rushing to the veterinary for something that could have been avoided. Instead, spend your time enjoying your family and friends, not worrying over sick pets. Here are some of the top things to do and watch out for.


This is the time for treats. Not only will you be making and bringing in some delicious snacks, but friends and family will also. This leads to a lot of chocolate and other ingredients that are not good for our animals. Have a secure spot that animals in your absence could not get their claws into them. Sitting out on the counter may not be safe enough for our crafty four-legged family members.

Secure Decorations

Decorations help us get into a festive mood, but they can also be a hazard. If you need a tree for your holiday celebrations, an important step is to secure it to a wall. This is a need for animals and small children. Cats love to take a climb through the branches when you are not looking. A wobbly tree will end up on the floor. Dogs will also have a fun time investigating a tree that magically appears in their home. This will not end well if it is not properly secured from these dangers.

No Sharing

Sharing is not always caring when it comes to our furry family members. With all the holiday parties, there will be a lot of leftovers scraps of food. Think twice before sharing. Not all animals can handle human food. Another thing to keep in mind is all the visitors in your home. Make it known that you do not want anyone to feed your animals. If it is too much of a temptation, it could be best to find a safe place in the home for them to relax while the party is going on.


Those with pet’s sensitive to noise need to be prepared as well. Parties will go on in all homes around you, if not in your own. This comes with a lot of sounds that could make them uncomfortable. Find a safe place for them to be during those times. A location with some of their favorite things that they can find comfort in. Some may need more than just a safe space to relax. Ask your veterinary about medications that could make the holiday season easier for them.

Keep your pets in mind during all your holiday preparations. Being prepared is the best way to make sure that everyone has an enjoyable season. More ideas to ensure your animals have as much fun as your do can be found at the ASPCA website.

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