Love &


10 Tips to Stay Connected with your Children

10 Tips to Stay Connected with your Children

After more than a year of increased family togetherness, sending your kids back to school might feel a little bittersweet. If you’re worried about maintaining the closeness and connection you’ve established with your kids, here are ten activities that can help. One- on- One Time Each of your children need one- on- one time. Check in with them to see how they’re doing. Find out if they’re struggling with anything. Listen when they tell you about their day. Let your children set the tone for...

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Date Night Ideas from Home

Date Night Ideas from Home

We are all spending a bit more time at home than we have in the past, but that doesn’t mean your relationship needs to get in a date night rut because of it.  There are plenty of ways to explore the indoors in the comfort and safety of your own home.  Think a little outside of the box and you have yourself a memorable date for the books.  Here are a few ideas to get the ideas flowing, try one or all or come up with your own unique ways to date in your own home.  Virtual...

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Simple Relationship Tips

Simple Relationship Tips

Regardless of how long you’ve been with your significant other, it’s always beneficial to dedicate time and attention to growing together. Give these tips a try and see how they help improve and encourage a healthy relationship with your partner. Admit when you are wrong We’ve all heard that it’s important to communicate with each other and practice active listening. Yet, one of the hardest things to do when communicating is saying that you were wrong when the other person was right. This...

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How to Build a Better Relationship

How to Build a Better Relationship

We all need love and the bottom line is that love is love. We all need to feel connected, appreciated and loved but especially by our partners. Every romantic relationship goes through the roller coaster of ups and downs and most of all they take a lot of work, commitment, and  adaptability to grow and change with your partner. Whether your relationship is just starting out in the feel good butterfly stage or you’ve been together for 20 years, there are always steps you can take to improve or...

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Communications in Your Ships

Communications in Your Ships

In the rocky waves of life, nothing will get you through the storm like your trusty ships – friendships and relationships.  They know you better than anyone else and sometimes can be the only hope for survival.  What happens when your ship needs maintenance and isn’t understanding your needs and journey?  Try thinking of communication in these new ways to help you both get back on course. Listening Yes, listening sounds so easy, but it’s really the beginning of...

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