The time for spring cleaning is almost upon us. Instead of procrastinating or ignoring the work that needs to be done, try utilizing these tips to make the process easier.

Lemons for Hard Water Stains

If the hard water stains in your bathroom are the bane of your existence, there’s an easy solution. Forget spending money on expensive cleaners, all you need to get rid of hard water stains is a lemon. Half the lemon and rub the juice directly onto your faucet, or shower fixtures. The acidity in the lemon will help dissolve the hard water build up. It’s an easy, inexpensive, natural solution to a pesky problem!

Mop your Walls

Washing walls can be incredibly tedious. If you’re looking for a way to make it less so, here’s a great tip. Fill your mop bucket up like you normally would. Add a little bit of dish soap to the warm water. Soak your mop and instead of taking it to your floors, mop the walls. Start at the top and work your way down. This will definitely make cleaning walls faster and easier. No more stepping up onto chairs and using a small washcloth to get the job done. With a mop you’ll be more efficient with your time and energy.

Make a Checklist

The key to an easy spring clean is to keep yourself organized. Make a list of all the jobs you’d like to get done. Group them into zones/rooms or group them into chores you need to get done each day of the week. Splitting a large list into smaller sections helps the entire process feel more manageable and attainable. A huge list can feel overwhelming. Keep in mind that not every part of your home needs to be scrubbed. Focus on the areas that need the most attention and don’t worry so much about the spaces you frequently clean.  

Address the Clutter

Decluttering your home is one of the biggest reasons to take spring cleaning seriously. An article written by Sarah Aguirre for further explains by saying, “One of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is often getting rid of clutter. A systematic four-step approach can be helpful for this. Identify problem areas, analyze reasons for the clutter, determine solutions, and implement them. Sorting your belongings into four categories—trash, give away, store, or put away—can also be effective as you go through the spring-cleaning process. Move the clutter out as soon as possible, whether it’s bringing a donation box to a charity or planning a yard sale.”

Spring cleaning can feel like such a daunting and endless task. Although it might not be your favorite thing, you will feel so much better when it’s all said and done. Taking care of the clutter and mess in your home will bring renewed energy and focus into your life. Gift yourself the feeling of a huge accomplishment by tackling spring cleaning like a boss.

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