With school starting again and many people returning to work in person, our homes will be empty. That is, if you do not have furry four-legged family members. Our pets have had us all to themselves for so long that it will be an adjustment for everyone involved. However, we can do something to make this transition to having more alone time more manageable for them. It will be even smoother if some are started in advance instead of all at once.


Leaving a dog with a lot of energy alone without trying to burn out some of it is never going to be a good idea. Plan an activity right before you are going to leave. Doing it too early will not be as effective. The idea is to take advantage of the time they are recovering and wanting to relax. They will be less anxious about your disappearance if they are tired. It would also be an excellent treat to do something with them as soon as you return. Once you do it for a while, they will know the schedule that when you get home, they get to play and will look forward to it.

Stay Calm

Just like with children, do not make a big deal about leaving or returning. If you say bye a million times and make it an ordeal, they will feel that and will react. When you return, it is also not a good idea to make a big fuss. This is only reinforcing to them that it is a big deal and that they should be reacting. Stay calm and treat your coming and going as naturally as possible. Your pets will follow suit and stay calm and relaxed as well.


Toys, treats, and all the fun things are needed. Have a unique basket of goodies that comes out only when you are about to leave. Make the time you spend away as fun for them as possible. With distractions, they won’t have time to be destructive or sad. Have these toys be special ones they do not get any other time. This way, they always have something to look forward to when you are gone.


An indicator to pets that all the humans are gone is the silence that happens. We shut off the tv and radios or any other noisemakers before we leave. The house becomes eerie and silent for them. Leave something on to help them not feel as alone. This could even be a sound machine that you use when you are gone.


A product that is becoming more popular is Thunderase. It is a spray or scent. You can use it in a diffuser as well. It is said to help calm pets that get anxious. It mimics the smell of a nursing mother dog’s pheromones. Try this before moving forward with medication for your pet having a hard time adjusting to the separation.

Ease your dog into the time you will spend apart.

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