Taking an animal into your family is one of the most special relationships you can experience. Unfortunately, we all must experience the hole that is created when their life ends. There are ways to remember the great life those furry family members shared with us during our grief. While it is not an enjoyable moment to plan for, you will be thankful that you had a plan when the time comes. Do something to keep their memory alive. Here are some great options that others have benefited from.


Depending on the laws of where you live, having a grave in your yard may not be an option. However, you can always create a special place for a gravestone to remember them, whether they are buried beneath it or not. Instead of the traditional marker, look into a statue of your pet. This way, you still see them in your yard instead of just their name. It will also make a cute decoration you can tell your friends and family about. Depending on the size, it could also be something that you display in your family room. This way it can be enjoyed each time the family gathers.


A painting in another way to keep their image alive. Get your favorite photo and have a professional create a masterpiece that you can hang in your home. A memento and a work of art to beautify and bring love into your living space. The price range for this type of art can be range depending on the artist you choose. There are endless options when it comes to art.


Do you want to carry them with you constantly? Maybe a sentimental piece of jewelry is the right option for you. Like the artwork is the price range is extensive. You can find many things at any store to remind you of your pet, or you can have something one of a kind created. The price tag will jump quickly the more unique you get. Wherever you go, all you will have to do is look down to get your reminder of your four-legged family member. No matter how much times pasts jewelry will last.


Did you enjoy cuddling up on the couch or bed with your pet? Continue the tradition by creating or having a quilt made to remember them by. Technology is fantastic, and lap quilts can be made with all you have to do is send in a picture. Bags of Love is one site that offers such products. Make a quilt of their favorite blankets or fabrics that remind you of them if you are crafty. Each time you use it, you will be reminded of the lasting bond you have with your pet.

Losing an animal is just as heartbreaking as a loss. But, never forget the great time and memories by finding the best way for you and your family to keep them close.

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