More often than not, social media is a source of frustration and another way for news and advertisements to squeak into our lives without us knowing or agreeing to it. We try to log on to social media as a break from our lives, but it ends up exhausting us even more when the relaxation turns to anger and outrage. Since the founders and operators of these sites can’t filter out unnecessary stress and have lost sight of their initial purpose – fun and entertainment – it’s time for us to take back our social media lives and put the fun back into them. If you are wondering how to even begin to do that, here are a few ways to help.
Assess the Accounts You Follow
It’s time to Marie Kondo who you follow. If it does not spark joy, unfollow. If you have those relatives who won’t stop going on about politics, people who only use their social media to scream into a void without actual action, or people who demand recognition for everything they do in their lives, it’s time to click unfollow. If they aren’t making you happy and only bring annoyance, don’t let them in. It’s time to invest your energy only where you need to. Your time and space are too precious to waste it on others who wouldn’t do the same for you. Follow fun accounts, animal accounts, things that will make you smile. The great thing about social media is you really can cater your experience to whatever you want. Stop letting others tell you what you should be caring about.
If you haven’t been down a Reddit rabbit hole, what are you waiting for? Reddit/aww is a favorite one stop source for cute animals and animal videos that will make you go “aww!” You can find a reddit thread for anything you love. So stop scrolling through unfounded news articles and start scrolling through things you love. Your mind will thank you for it.
Tik Tok
While one can argue it’s silly or a waste of time, what else would you call social media? At least this one knows its place in the world. Kick back, relax, and have a few laughs with these creatively fun short videos. You’ll be sharing laughs and smiles with friends and maybe even work up the courage to create something of your own for the world to see.
Another source to find others who love what you love. This is more about connecting with people who share your hobbies and interests. Love playing Animal Crossing and need a specific item for your collection? You can find it here. Chat with a group of friends for your horror book club? Check and check. Discord has got your covered to keep the party going all hours of the day and night.
It’s time to enjoy social media again. We’ve allowed it in and let it rule our lives with nothing in return. Now is more important than ever to take back your social media life and invest in things that make you smile.