Love &


6 adorable pet videos to put a smile on your face

Pets are a constant source of love, affection, and entertainment. It’s safe to say that they make our homes a happier place. From mischievous dogs to sweet birds, the stars of these pet videos prove to us that our animal companions are a constant source of joy. We can all relate to this sweet pooch that can’t stick to his diet Who can say no to a delicious, greasy snack at the end of a hard day? This pup can’t!   This talented parrot performs a sweet and cheerful song This adorable pet...

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The Japanese’s new marriage definition

The Japanese’s new marriage definition

Think you’re going to be forever alone? In an emerging pocket of Japanese culture, this idea is being embraced rather than shunned. Single individuals in Japan are taking the reigns and thinking outside of the box when it comes to holy matrimony. These three emerging trends are turning traditional marriage on its head. Marrying yourself What happens when you’re ready for the wedding you always dreamed of, but you’re missing one key component: the groom? Some Japanese women are electing to...

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How to survive cuffing season single

The air is getting colder, the days are getting shorter, and if you think that more couples than ever are coming out of the woodwork, it’s not just your imagination: Welcome to Cuffing Season. Unfamiliar with the term? Urban Dictionary describes Cuffing Season as the time during the winter and fall months when people who would otherwise prefer to be single and free find themselves longing for long-term companionship. Therefore, they find themselves a partner to be temporarily “cuffed” with....

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5 first date ideas that are totally not awkward

Get first date ready with these item we absolutely love. Guaranteed to give you that first impression you're looking for!   Sick of the “dinner and a movie” routine for first dates? Ditch tradition in favor of doing something out of the box, which you and your date will both appreciate. Try one of these activities next time you plan a first date with that special someone. Take a class together Attending an interactive class is an awesome way for you and your date to get to know each other...

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Why Taylor Swift is Still Single and What You Can Learn

Taylor Swift has given some of the most popular love tracks in the recent years but seems like that’s the only ‘love’ in her life! Gossip columns are always talking about her love life, who she’s with, her breakups, blah blah blah! Well, we all know she’s had her fair share of ups and downs in the relationship but the real question is- why is someone as popular, talented, beautiful and very available girl like her still single? No, we are not judging anyone here! It’s just what her recent...

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